The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam
The Ethics of Disagreement may be perceivedas an explanation of the etiquette envisionedby Islam for all those engaged in discourse andintellectual dialogue. To a great extent, thebook is an exposition of the higher principlesand purposes of the Shari'ah which provideMuslims with perspectives far vaster than thoseafforded by pedantic debate over points of lawand procedure, or fine distinctions betweenconflicting theological arguments. In fact,experience has shown that long immersion insuch futile debate often renders the mindincapable of comprehending real situationsand making value judgements on changingcircumstances.Since the book was originally intended to address opposing Islamic politicalparties in one particular part of the Muslim world, the author went to greatlengths to give examples from classical Muslim historical experience. Inparticular, he analyzes instances of judicial disagreement between the earlyfuqaha’, differences that were not allowed to go beyond the academic orto cause hard feelings among the debaters and dissenters alike. Certainly,the differences between those early scholars never led them to lose sightof the higher purposes of the Shari'ah or their responsibilities.Although this book may more appropriately be titled The Ethics ofDisagreement between the Classical Jurists, it nonetheless serves as a usefulintroduction to the subject of disagreement in general. It also lays downfor contemporary Muslims many commendable examples of forbearanceand understanding on the part of some of the greatest personalities andscholars in Muslim history. In this lies the utility of this book.