Sharing Mary
A non-partial anthology of Bible and Qur'an stories: "timely, unique and astonishing." John Esposito. Symbolized by Mary, the mother of Jesus loved by Christians and Muslims alike, this rare anthology seeks for common ground in a time of conflict. Placing verses from Bible and Qur'an Side by Side, it shows the Holy Books' commonalities in the stories of Adam in the Garden of Eden; Noah and the Great Flood; David and Goliath and many more. Controversial topics - the subservience of women, war and crime- are not shunned, but the focus is on shared human values. Even God and Allah are shown to have many attributes in common.A peer reviewed book, useful on all levels of education and for the general reader."A compassionate contribution...preferring dialogue to strife and refusing to claim superiority or blame the 'other' side." Ruud Lubberssecond revised and extended edition with images from the Khalili Family Trust.From the reviews:"Ter Borg is of the persuasion that the Qur'an is more sensitive to women's issues and generally less violent than is usually thought. Suitable for both public and academic libraries. Recommended for lower-level undergraduates through graduate student and general readers."Professor emeritus, M. Swartz, Boston University Choice, Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, April 2011".the compiler of this book was clear existing misconceptions and promote understanding and cooperation between two of the world's most widely followed religions.she deserves much credit for her invaluable contribution to inter-religious study and dialogue especially that between Islam and Christianity." Muhammad Khan, Muslim News, UK, 12.2010"Written, not in a polemic spirit of proving one religion to be superior to another, but in the spirit of reconciliation. this book is highly recommended for anyone interested in interfaith dialogue." Simon Ross Valentine, Church Times, UK, 01.2011"Ter Borg, neither a theologian nor involved in any community of believers, approaches her subject with great intellectual curiosity and a strong sense for the expressive eloquence of the holy texts.." Elma Kronemeijer, Nieuwe Moskee, 12.2010".Sharing Mary must be praised for its novel approach.(it) brings home .an idea stressed by recent scholarship. that the Qur'an is in constant conversation with the Biblical tradition. The work succeeds in awakening curiosity and will surely prove a useful resource for interfaith education."Diego A Sarrio, Washington, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, January 2011"An important anthology of Biblical an Koranic texts, supported by carefully formulated comments by competent Islamic and Christian academics. Thus the stories are shown, in their subtle differences, to possess a spiritual commonality. At the same time, by the comparison of unusual aspects, the reader can also discover more about his or her own tradition. This book is an important contribution the 'Trialog'."Revd. Dr Reinhardt Kiste, Dialog der religionene, Intereligios, December 2010. graceful assessment of the great sources on which Muslims and Christians find daily inspiration. Sharing Mary. indicates that believers share values such as peace and forgiveness. In this time of political turmoil and violence,.an excellent call for an inter-religious encounter.Dr. Gurkan Celik, director of the Dialogue Academy in Rotterdam.Ter Borg strives for impartiality, placing the Bible and Qur'an stories side by side on an equal a time in which such a neutral perspective is urgently needed. Rev. dr A. van der Hoek, Haarlem This... timely book with scholarly reflections from inclusive Muslim and Christian theologians informed, brilliantly researched work, revealing a most resonant interpenetration of shared sacred stories. Brother Bart SSF, Anglican Order of Francis, Brisbane, 2010